Cushing's: More prevalent and hard to diagnose
By Robin(Robin)
New research has shown Cushing’s syndrome to have a substantially higher prevalence than previously thought. Diagnosing and treating Cushing’s syndrome is sometimes just as difficult as it was 70 years ago. ...
Herding Zebras -
Got letter rom endo...she quit
My crazy, stupid, weirdo endo that I have been seeing, sent me a ltter yesterday saying that she is closing her practice and that she is doing so on Dec 9th. And she was wanting me to do the cortrosyn test...glad I didn't. ...
From the Cushing's Help and Support... -
New research has shown Cushing’s syndrome to have a substantially ...
By (RobinS)
Each makes the case for Cushing's being both more prevalent than first thought and less easily diagnosed with "gold-standard" testing than once thought. Raff and Findling's research, which I've previously quoted in When the Gold ...
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