Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23 Alerts

Should I be happy or concerned?
I thought Cushies have almost zilch chance of losing weight. Dr B (thyroid) doesn't think Cushings (doesn't know cyclical Cushings) & wants me to ask Dr T (Cushie doc) exactly how diagnosed. Does this mean I should question diagnosis?
From the Cushing's Help and Support... -

From last Spring: A repost...
By MaryO(MaryO)
I still hate Cushing's. It has taken away some of my best friends. I am sitting here crying...I couldn't believe that our friend, Natalie Fay (Natalie65), died yesterday. She was only 42 and had recently had a BLA. ...
Cushing's & Cancer -

New technology for the removal of pituitary and brain tumors
By (RobinS)
Cushing's patients are notorious for having hard-to-find-and-remove pituitary tumors. Factor in hyperplasia and extension into the adjacent sella and sinus areas, and the problem is magnified. This technology is helping surgeons remove ...
survive the journey -

Endocrine System
By D.K. Mangusan Jr., PTRP(D.K. Mangusan Jr., PTRP)
Endocrine disorders caused by overproduction of hormones may include acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, hyperparathyroidism, and Graves' disease, which is a form of hyperthyroidism. Top of Page.
Endocrine Health -

From last Spring: A repost...
By MaryO(Robin)
I was talking online today with an old friend and Natalie's name came up. It is so heart-wrenching when another Cushie dies :(. I still hate Cushing's. It has taken away some of my best friends. Read the rest of this post. ...
Herding Zebras -

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