Saturday, July 21, 2012

Real Talk: Psychological Process of Illness, part 2


Meeting Created: July 21, 2012 1:45 PM


Real Talk: Psychological Process of Illness
Part II

This Segment will be broken into two sections. Part I will be provide an open opportu-
nity for participants to ask relevant questions around the emotional/mental issues in
living with a chronic illness. Participants will be able to openly talk about depression,
anxiety, trauma, and other processes that occur when living with illness. Part II will
focus on seeing ourselves as survivors of illness and the process of staying empowered
through illness that impacts us in such a powerful way. Principles of empowerment and
how one can turn adversity into opportunity will be discussed. This segment should
create an environment that is non judgmental and motivating. 



  • Actual death injury to sell or others
  • Response, intense fear, helplessness
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Nightmares
  • Flashbacks
  • Psychological distress/response
  • Avoid stimuli
  • Avoid thoughts, things that remind you
  • Detachment
  • Unable to emotionally connect
  • Can't envision self progression
Living through chronic illness can bring on PTSD
  • Fear or recurrence
  • Hyper vigilance
  • Fear of getting close to others
  • Avoidance, put off doctors

vicarious trauma.  Spouses, caregivers
Coping, deal with reality, hope
We're all different.  Balance!

Codependency  don't do more for others than you do for yourself
Counseling is high priority

Dr. Bernie Siegel
Melanie Beatty book Codependent No More

Inner strength 

Affirmations.  I can do it for today

Normal illness, health, then sickness, treatment, back to normal
  • Supported by family and friends

Chronically Ill
  • Normal health is lost
  • Normal not regained
  • Feels better, feels worse
  • Treatment
  • No return to good health
  • Caregivers not familiar
  • Can't respond
  • Resentment toward people who expect too much
  • Avoid feeling well because expectation is too high
  • People asking "how are you doing?". I'm about the same but thank you for your concern
Magic wand syndrome. Everything will get better. Avoidance.  Disappointment whe things aren't better

Spoon theory

Express gratitude

Eliminate stress

Never give up!

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